Ex novo – Science behind the scenes: Scientific publishing and superheroes

Lucia Politi May 24, 2021 · 5 min read Ex Novo – Science behind the scenes “Ex Novo – Science behind the scenes” is a series of articles born within ISA’s blog in collaboration with the Collegio Nuovo – Fondazione Sandra e Enea Mattei in Pavia, whose students community is marked...

#11F – The International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Sonja Reiland February 11, 2021 · 3min read   Why should we persuade girls to choose a scientific career, if their career chances are much worse than the ones for boys? Even though gender equality advances in Europe, yet it is not achieved and with strong disparities between the individual...

Ex novo – Science behind the scenes: A career path among stars and dark matter

Magda Arnaboldi December 14, 2020 · 8 min read Ex Novo – Science behind the scenes “Ex Novo – Science behind the scenes” is a series of articles born within ISA’s blog in collaboration with the Collegio Nuovo – Fondazione Sandra e Enea Mattei in Pavia, whose students community is marked...

ISA 10 years: An Open Science journey from publications to data

Mary Hirsch November 5, 2020 · 5 min read ISA 10 years This year 2020 marks the 10-year anniversary of the International and Scientific Affairs (ISA) team. Ten years ago we were born with a very small team that little by little grew in size and responsibilities. Some alumni are...